Give me a little Something Something...

Strong Bad Emails


SPECIAL! Other SB Email Menu
SPECIAL! SB Email Christmas Edition

Easter Eggs

SBEmail14: Duck Pond
- Play duck pond simulator and feed any duck 10 times to activate the Atari 2600 version.
- During the Atari 2600 version of Duck Pond, press 'A' on your keyboard to drop an anvil
- Press 'Y' on your keyboard to drain the pond,
- Press '8' on your keyboard to shrink a duck.

SBEmail17: Studying
- When Strong Bad says "This book is better than..." click on the link to open a fake Amazon page.

SBEmail22: Sb_email 22
- When the newspaper pops up, click on the words "press conference".
- Click on The Cheat's stack of paper.

SBEmail23: Little Animal
- While Strong Mad is chasing Strong Bad, click on Strong Bad's head to see the "1936" version.

SBEmail28: 1 Step Ahead
- At the end, if you choose yes, you can peg Strong Sad by clicking "PEG ME" on his chest.

SBEmail30: 12:00
- Press the 'eject' button on the VCR to see different tapes.
- Note that the working clock in the e-mail matches your own system clock.

SBEmail32: Flag Day
- When Strong Bad makes the joke about Pablo's name, click his name to see a ticket.
- Once Strong Bad flips the coin, click on The Cheat to see a penny from Strong Badia.

SBEmail33: Gimmick
- At the end, you can press the contrast buttons to see sparks.

SBEmail34: Weird Dream
- Click on the US once Strong Bad says, "How's it goin' Texas?" to see different states in there underwear

SBEmail35: Sisters
- Click on the pictures of Ali and her sister to see different pictures of them.

SBEmail37: Dullard
- Click on the comic on Strong Bad's cubical to read it.

SBEmail38: Helium
- At the end, click on The Cheat to hear Strong Sad.

SBEmail40: Vacation
- After the 2nd postcard is over, click on the little window.
- After the 4th postcard, click on the right headlight of the far right car.
- During the 5th postcard, click on the card when Strong Bad is talking about his Caricature.
- The "Dorks" post-it note will talk to you if you click on it.

SBEmail41: Invisibility
- Wait till the very end and you'll see the Tandy computer in the trash, click on the contrast buttons.

SBEmail42: Action Figure
-Click on the peanut action figure at the end, continue clicking on the other ones to see more.

SBEmail43: Little Questions
- At the end, click on the word "Sweden".
- Then click on the Swedish flag.

SBEmail45: Techno
- Click The Cheat's light switch.

SBEmail46: Your Friends
- Click on the word Poopsmith in the email to see a Poopsmith trading card.

SBEmail47: New Hands
- At the end, click on the words 'lazar gun'.
- Then click on both of Strong Bad's hands.

SBEmail48: Ghosts
- If you kill the bad graphics ghost, Strong Sad will sing a song for you. If you can't do it, try holding TAB.

SBEmail49: Theme Party
- Click on "baseball hats".
- Click on "t-shirts".
- Click on "skinny blonde girls".

SBEmail50: 50 Emails
- Click where it says 'book' on the first email.
- Click on the candle at the end.

SBEmail51: Website
- Click the F10 button at the end of Strong Bad's website. (to get there click the link at the end of the email)
- Click on the mouse near the bottom of the page to see the Brothers Strong answering emails.
- In that clip, click where is says "Pride, Detail Ethics".

SBEmail52: Island
- Click on Strong Bad and Homestar at the very end to see what the other is thinking.

SBEmail53: Comic
- Click the girl's names at the beginning.
- Click on the top of the states to see them in white-brand underwear.
- Click the last grave for Strong Bad.
- Then Click on the words "independent record store" at the end.

SBEmail54: Morning Routine
- Click the words "Compy 386" on Strong Bad's Computer at the end.

SBEmail55: Cheat Talk
- Click "you guys" to see another Monkey D postcard like from email #40.
- Click "learn how to speak The Cheat" to learn how to speak The Cheat!

SBEmail56: Current Status
- Click the Floppy Disk

SBEmail57: Japanese Cartoon
- Click "japanese cartoon" at the end of the email.
- Click "japanese cartoon" again to see Homestar watching it on his TeeBee.
- When Homestar is watching his TeeBee, click on the video tape that says "NES endings".
- Once the first NES screen shot pops up, click it many more times to see more NES endings.

SBEmail58: Dragon
- Click the R in Strong Mad's carving.

SBEmail59: Marzipan
- Click "video for a client" in The Cheats last message window.
- Wait a little while after it is over to get a message from Strong Sad.

SBEmail60: Huttah!
- Click on the seagull in the "take a break" program to accually download it.

SBEmail61: Monster Truck
- Click the first "sunday" at the end to see a flyer for the show.
- Click the second "sunday" to play AweXome Cross '98.
- Click the word "someday" at the end to see a signed picture of Limozeen.

SBEmail62: Interview
- Click on "Kerrek" when Strong Bad talks about Trogdor.
- During the entire interview, keep clicking on the Strong Bad post-it. It'll keep changing.
- The Homsar post-it will do the same.
- When Homsar shows up, hit the lightswitch.
- Click The Cheat's lightswitch for the Techno effect.
- Wait a couple of seconds after the cartoon is done. The Cheat makes a special appearance.
- Click the floppy disc by the Homsar puppet to get a third secret menu.

SBEmail63: Fingers
- Click on the locker handle by Coach Z.
- Click on the right side of the box with Homestar.

SBEmail64: English Paper
- Click "the cheat's allowance".

SBEmail65: Unused Emails
- In the scene with the cheat click on the top of each stack of paper to read unused emails
- In the scene with strong mad click on the stack to read another one.
- In the final scene click on the compy screen to see Bub's weekly Spamvertisement.
- In Bub's weekly Spamvertisement click on the picture of the product to see other products.

SBEmail66: The Show
- Click on Homestar's notecards.
- Click "kicked the Cheat"

SBEmail67: Autobiography
- Click the audio tape box to open it up.
- Click it again to see the back.
- Click it a third time to see the front again.
- When Strong Bad talks about The Deke, click the speaker to see his picture.
- Click the torn paper of Strong Bad, Strong Mad, and The Cheat to view the back.
- At the very end, click weightloss tapes to see the KOT jogging.

SBEmail68: Caper
- Click 'caper' after the first scene with homestar.
- Once the paper comes down, you can click The Cheat's eyes.
- Wait a while after the end for Homestar to come out and talk.
- When he's done talking, you can click his shoes to do a Jumble. You may print it out. Smile

SBEmail69: Personal Favorites
- At the end, click 'other' to see another personal favorite. There are two variations
- Click 'Grape Nuts robot' several times to hear different phrases. There are three variations
- Press the letter "Q" on your keyboard after the e-mail is finished.
- go to .swf, pause and zoom in on the side of the Grape Nuts robot.

SBEmail70: Big White Face
- Click on The Cheat's portrait to bring up The Cheat's anatomy chart.
- At the end, click the tiny poop spot on The Poopsmith's shovel to download a wallpaper.
- Click on the cake to see it.
- Keep clicking the cake to add more toppings.

SBEmail71: 2 Emails
- Click "double the fun" at the begining.
- Click "2003 Ladies' Choice Awards"
- Click "back" at the end for a short 1936 toon.
- Also at the end, click "backwards".

SBEmail72: Crazy Cartoon
- At the end, click on Eh! Steve! on The Cheat's computer screen.
- Also at the end, click on the orange bar on The Cheat's computer.

SBEmail73: Mascot
- Click "really hungry and tired" to see Strong Bad and The Cheat really hungry and tired.
- Click "application" to see the application
- Hover over the letters at the end of the e-mail to play the fight song yourself!

SBEmail74: Privileges
- Click the pizza box to see "Bub's Really Old Pizza"
- Click the magazine at the end of the e-mail to see "The Hardest Chord Ever"
- Click The Cheat's arm after seeing the article to see him burn Homestar's magazines

SBEmail75: Funny
- Click Strong Bad's mask when he's bouncing on his head to see Homestar
- Click the peice of ketchup by the fries to see a bottle of ketchup

SBEmail76: Sibbie
- Click "purple thing".
- Click the radio at the end.

SBEmail77: Suntan
- Click the "G" in Gooblis's tag
- Click the pen at the end

SBEmail78: Anything
- Click "Fish Lake"
- Click "CD'S"
- Wait at the end for Homestar to remark about the apparent volume of the bottle.

SBEmail79: Process
- Click "Faint of Heart"
- Click "Faint of Butt"
- Click "name"
- Click "typing"
- Click "certain words"
- Click "dumb stuff"
- Wait around for 10-15 seconds after the e-mail ends
- Click "something else"

SBEmail80: Stunt Double
- Click on 3D at the end
- Click on watch out after the 3D is gone.

SBEmail 81: Date
-Click "lurking horrors."
-Click "Marzipan's."
-Click "super mud."
-At the end, click "game."

SBEmail 82: Impression
-Click "bigger butt"
-Click "penmanship award"
-Click "afterparty"
-Click "Jhorka"

SBEmail 83: Labor Day
-Click "Schenectady, NY
-Click on the cooler after KOT asked if there is anything to eat in there
-Click on the "labor dabor" sign
-Click on Strong Bad's blue crystal on this mask

SBEmail 84: Kids' book
-Click on "book"
-Click on "eh Steve?"

SBEmail 85: 2 years
-click "Homestar Runner's Website"
-click on Strong Bad's blue diamond at the end

SBEmail 86: no loafing
-click Bud's 30 cent lunch special
-click appointment